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3D Printed Motorized Car

Samantha Alaimo

Project by

Samantha Alaimo

General Information

3D print your own car and get it to move with littleBits! Hack, fork, and new bits to customize your own working car!

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Material Description Price
littleBits Battery + Cable

littleBits Battery + Cable

Battery + Cable


littleBits DC Motor Bit

littleBits DC Motor Bit

Description: DC Motor, Type: Output


littleBits Power Bit

littleBits Power Bit

Description: Power Bit, Type: Power


White ABS 3D Printer Filament

White ABS 3D Printer Filament

Type: Filament, Diameter: 1.75 mm, Material: ABS, Color: White, Shade: White, Spool Weight: 1 kg, 3D Printer Compatibility: RepRap

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from Inventables

File Description Unit Price


The gear that fits on the motor



The tires of the car



The chassis of the car


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from Inventables


Open the files in makerware

You can print the gear file with wither the chassis or the wheels. I printed my parts on a Makerbot Replicator 2. The settings I used are in the picture.


Assemble the car

Place the chassis on top of the wheels. The wheel with the gear should be on the side of the chassis with the rectangle cut out.


Assemble the littleBits

Plug the battery into the power bit and snap that too the motor bit. Slip the gear onto the motor bit. Snap the bits onto the track so that the gears line up.

Sharon Van Valin
I have been quoted $120 to print car in color and ship the car components. Is this what one would expect? I don't know anything about 3D printer costs. Thanks.
Sharon Van Valin
Samantha Alaimo
Hello Sharon, Some people charge by the cubic square inch or centimeter, and some people charge per the hour. I would recommend posting the files on a site like There you can say the price range you would like it done for and people will bid on printing it for you.
Samantha Alaimo
Sharon Van Valin
Thank you for the reply. A classmate printed it in color. It's mailed; we're waiting excitedly. I hope more projects are in the works from you. What you posted was all he needed to print. A cool way for a child to learn about gears!
Sharon Van Valin
Zach Kaplan
Hi Sharon What color did you print it in?
Zach Kaplan
Andrew Y Young
I never did such stuff on my car. But one of my office colleagues did 3d printing on his car with the help of the guys from The final result was simply amazing.
Andrew Y Young
Clara Kim
That's fantastic "I was inspired by your work and made!" If you ever need any questions about my project, feel free to reach out. Keep up the great work!
Clara Kim