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Steve's 4" Blast Gates

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Steve Moloney

Project by

Steve Moloney
Cincinnati, Ohio

General Information

4" blast gates. Use sewer line PVC and fittings.

I cut a coupling in half so you only need one per blast gate.

To go to the standard dust collector fittings . Line the inside of the coupling with a piece of the 4" pipe then the standard couplings will fit in perfect.

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Pieces and parts

1/2" MDF
3/8’ Dowel 2 @ 1"
3/8" Dowel 1 @ 4"
1/4" – 20 × 5/16" Pronged T-Nut
1/4″ × 2′ Bolt
1/4" Washer
4" Sewer and Drain Coupling. 2 rings cut from it at 1-1/2"
1/4" drill Bit
19/64" drill bit for T-nut
3/8" drill bit

Phillip lunsford
Thank you Steve. This blast gate is excellent.
Phillip lunsford
Andrew Sander
Made a bunch of these for my parents new woodshop space. They work great with no leaks. Thanks Steve!
Andrew Sander