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World map-epoxy inlay

1988 opens
726 copies
Ashley Stillson

Project by

Ashley Stillson

General Information

I love maps! I was recently commissioned to make a bunch of coffee & adventure signs, so I decided to make a cut out of the map and fill the voids with blue epoxy to make it look like water. This came out so well and it gets a lot of attention

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Jamie green
sweet . did you fill it with blue epoxy let it dry the coat it with clear , just wondering ?
Jamie green
Ashley Stillson
Once it dried I wet sanded with micro mesh. Then out gloss spray lacquer over that
Ashley Stillson
Patrick Flynn
Does all the lettering come from the easel font bank? Did you design this directly in easel or do you use CAD software?
Patrick Flynn
Ashley Stillson
I made the design in Illustrator
Ashley Stillson
Mark Gumley
nearly got the world right part of Australia missing
Mark Gumley
Buddy Wallace
How long and wide is this?
Buddy Wallace
David Peterson
Buddy it's 10"x8"
David Peterson
Jake Lortz
What was the bit and cut depth?
Jake Lortz
Brian Sichi
Mark is right, Tasmania is missing.
Brian Sichi
Bryan Haugen
Nice job
Bryan Haugen
Atlas Woodworks
Newfoundland is also missing.... Sadly
Atlas Woodworks
Atlas Woodworks
Newfoundland is also missing.... Sadly. But still a great job!
Atlas Woodworks
Charles Samuel
continents are not shown in true scale
Charles Samuel
this is wood craft not geography folks :)
Michael Valentino
Did you paint the oceans white before epoxying?
Michael Valentino